Rushed vs Peaceful

I think we can all agree, that none of us like to be rushed.  Yet the majority of us continue to be rushed or feel rushed which leads to stress, anxiety, bad decisions, and a whole slew of other problems.  So why do we keep saying yes to it?  The only reason so many ofContinue reading “Rushed vs Peaceful”

How to shift your reality

When you wake up in the morning, look around. Look at your hands, your legs and body. Look at the bed you’re in, the room that surrounds you. The things that surround you. Look at yourself in the mirror. And say – I like what I see. It might sound congruent. It might not atContinue reading “How to shift your reality”

A different way to view work & money

How do you view your work and money? In a good light or are both more of a struggle? I’m going to highlight a different way of thinking about work and money today. One I believe many people don’t see.  Where work is play, and money feels joyous, not a heavy weight. I know forContinue reading “A different way to view work & money”

4 Steps of Change

If you haven’t heard this line already – the only constant in life is change. Everything changes and it is always changing. That we can guarantee. If you don’t believe me – go spend some time out in nature. Especially a beach. It’ll show you. We all know how much change we’ve been through inContinue reading “4 Steps of Change”

12 things a Health Coach can help you with

If you are here reading this today you are most likely interested in health and wellness to some degree. Maybe you are wanting to improve your own health in some way or maybe you are caregiving for someone else and trying to find ways to help them. Either way you are in a wonderful place!Continue reading “12 things a Health Coach can help you with”

Questions to ask a Health Coach when looking to hire one

The Health Coaching industry has grown a lot over the last handful of years so it is important to make sure when hiring a coach that the coach you are interviewing is properly skilled and the right fit for you! A properly trained Health Coach will also be doing the same in your initial chatContinue reading “Questions to ask a Health Coach when looking to hire one”

how to Move Through Change

As we all know – our world has been going through some big changes these last few years and it hasn’t exactly let up. Many of us aren’t so keen on change, yet have been dropped into a world that is changing rapidly every day. Since we can’t exactly escape the change and instead areContinue reading “how to Move Through Change”

Set goals that actually work

This time of year many of us are setting goals or resolutions for the year. It’s the beginning of a new year and that fresh start feel is wonderful. A clearing out of the old and stagnant, and a welcoming to the new, fresh, and hopeful space. So how do we make these goals weContinue reading “Set goals that actually work”

7 Ways to Build a More Positive Mindset

1.       “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”–          Double check – are you treating others the way you would want to be treated?-          Sometimes our frustration with others is a lesson for ourselves to make sure we too are acting and giving in the ways we expect to receive from others 2.       Thought awareness–          We areContinue reading “7 Ways to Build a More Positive Mindset”